共用题干 Less Is MoreIt sounds all wrong—dr

admin2022-08-02  18

问题 共用题干Less Is More
It sounds all wrong—drilling holes in a piece of wood to make it more resistant to knocks. But it works because the energy from the blow gets distributed throughout the wood rather than fo-
cusing on one weak spot. The discovery should lead to more effective and lighter packaging mate-rials.
Carpenters have known______(51)centuries that some woods are tougher than others. Hickory,for example,was turned into axe handles and cartwheel spokes because it can absorb shocks without breaking. White oak,for example,is much more easily damaued,________(52)it is almost  as dense.Julian Vincent at Bathe University and his team were convinced the wood's internal structure could explain the differences.
Many trees have tubular vessels that run_______(53)the trunk and carry water to the leav- es .In oak they are large,and arranged in narrow bands,but in hickory they are smaller,and more evenly distributed.The researchers________(54)this layout might distribute a blow's en-ergy throughout the wood, soaking up a bigger hit.To test the idea,they drilled holes 0.65 millimetres across into a block of spruce,a wood with_______(55)vessels,and found that_______(56)withstood a harder knock_______(57)when there were more than about 30 holes per square centimeter did the wood's performance drop off.
A uniform substance doesn't cope well with knocks because only a small proportion of the material is actually______( 58).All the energy from the blow goes towards breaking the material in one or two places , but often the pieces left _________( 59 ) are pristine(未经破坏的).
But instead of the energy being concentrated in one place,the holes provide many weak spots that all absorb energy as they break,says Vincent.“You are controlling the places______(60) the wood breaks,and it can then absorb more______(61),more safely.”
The researchers believe the principle could be applied to any material—_________(62)example,to manufacture lighter and more protective packaging.It could_______(63)be used in car bumpers,crash barriers and armor for military vehicles,says Ulrike Wegst,_______(64) the Max Plank Institute for Mental Research in Stuttgart. But she emphasizes that you'd ________(65)to design the substance with the direction of force in mind.“The direction of loading is crucial,”she says.54._________A: discoveredB: concludedC: foundD:.thought

选项 54._________
A: discovered
B: concluded
C: found

答案 D

解析 本题考查的是引导时间状语的连接词的用法和区别。动词的现在时完成体可以跟since引导的时间状语,也可以跟for引导的时间状语。用since必须跟时间点或能表示时间点的短语,排除。而for跟时间段状语,centunes是时间段状语,故选A。

从上下文关系来看,空格后面的句子与前面的分句成让步关系,所以我们须在选项 B和D中选择,但是despite引导名词短语或者动名词短语。故选B。

空格所在的句子意思是:许多树都有导管,这些导管通向树干上方,把水输到叶子上。常识告诉我们,水分在树体内的流通方向是从下到上,从根到叶子。所以只有填入 up才能表达这个意思。故选C。

紧跟其后的句子是这样说的:To test the idea…(为了验证这一想法)。这个提示告诉我们空格所在句子的动词后面的命题是研究人员的想法而不是事实。因此须用thought。 discovered和found是事实性动词,与后一句话矛盾。


本题考查的是人称代词的用法与辫析及语篇中词语之间的关系。it照应的是上句的a block of spruce(一大块云杉)。故选B。

空格所在的句子是一个倒装句,所以应该选only , only when引起主句中主语和助动词(did)倒置。整个句子的意思是:只有当每平方厘米超过30个孔时,木头抵御敲打的表现才变差。故选C、

整个句子是说:均匀的物质不太好抵御敲打,因为受到影响的只有一小部分物质。…is actually affected“实际受到影响”。故选D。


“the places”是地点名词短语,应该用where或in which,其他都不可以。故选B。

absorb可以跟所有的选项搭配,但从上下文来看,选择energy是合适的,因为上句刚出现了absorb energy。 absorb safety是“安全性下降”的意思。wand it can then absorb more energy , more safely.“于是,它可以更安全地吸收更多的能量。”故选C。

本题考查的是固定搭配的用法。“举例来说,例如”的英语说法是for example,也可用for instance。故选D。


“the Max Plank Institute for Mental Research”是一个机构,具体地说,它是一个研究所。“在某个机构”可用at或in,at表示“机构”,in表示“方位”,是“三维”的。故选B。

“you'd”中的’d = would,后面应跟原形动词;must是情态动词,只有need符合题意,可以跟不定式短语(need也可以作情态动词,但此处不是)。故选C。
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