
admin2022-08-02  66

问题 阅读下述摘要,请简要分析该研究的基本问题、研究思路、主要研究结论以及研究意义。Title: Perceived Supervisor Support: Contributions to Perceived OrganizationalSupport and Employee Retention Authors: Esenberger, Robert; et al. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2002. Abstract: three studies investigated the relationships among employees' perception of supervisor support( PSS), perceived organizational support( POS),and employee turn over.  Study l found,with 314 employees drawn from a variety of organizations, that PSS was positively related to temporal change in POS, suggesting that PSS leads to POS.  Study 2 established, with 300 retail sales employees, that the PSS - POS relationship increased with perceived supervisor status in the organization. Study 3found, with 493 retail sales employees, evidence consistent with the view that POS completely mediated a negative relationship between PSS and employee turnover. These studies suggest that supervisors to the extent that they are identified with the organization, contribute to POS and, ultimately, to job retention.



解析 研究的基本问题:员工知觉到的上级支持对员工知觉到的组织支持和员工存留的影响。研究思路:本研究用逐层递进的三个子研究证明了上级支持、组织支持和员工存留之间的关系;第一个研究是实验研究,第二个研究是相关研究,第三个仍然是相关研究,但做出了一个中介效应,进一步理清了三者之间的关系。主要研究结论:上级支持的感知直接影响组织支持的感知;随着上级地位的提高,上级支持和组织支持之间关系变得更加紧密;上级支持影响了组织支持,最终影响了员工离职意愿,上级支持和离职意愿呈现负相关。研究意义:该研究用实验方法论证了上级支持和组织支持之间的因果关系,明确了上级支持对于员工去留的影响;为进一步研究组织内部各种因素之间的关系指出了一条更加清晰的思路和方法。
