Zoe,your current colleagues,is leaving f

admin2022-08-02  21

问题 Zoe,your current colleagues,is leaving for a new position at a different company.Write a letter to congratulale her on the new job.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.



解析 Dear Zoe,
I was thrilled to hear about your new job in the ABC Company.I know it's been a long search to find the right position,but it seems this is going to be a good match for your skills and experience.I'm sad to see you go and certainly will nuss our Monday morrung tea breaks.However,I feel certain that you're making the right choice by accepting dus position.This is such a wonderful opportunity for you and I'm sure you'II do a fantastic job over there.Best luck for vour days in the new position.Refards,
Li Ming
