Will the Apple launch have an audience o

练习题库2022-08-02  38

问题 Will the Apple launch have an audience of thousands clapping and cheering?Must be a new iPhone or iWatch?The truth may sound dull,but it matters as much as any fancy new product.What Apple's boss,Tim Cook,presented on June 2nd,at the company's annual conference for soft-ware developers in San Francisco,were upgraded operating systems,one for its Mac desktops and laptops and another for its mobile devices,plus a new programming language.These,combined with other moves to nurture the Apple"ecosystem",should make its offerings even more attractive to both developers and consumers-and even more formidable to its rivals.Apple has lon8 devoted to providing greater convenience and user experience.The new operating systems will do more than improve on the current versions when they are released in the autumn.They will allow devices to work together perfecdy.



解析 这次苹果发布会能让千万观众欢呼雀跃吗?肯定是一款新的iPhone或iWatch吧?虽然答案或许听来无趣,但它的重要性不亚于任何一款华丽的新产品。6月2号,在三藩市举行的年度软件开发者会议上,苹果总裁蒂姆·库克展示了最新升级的操作系统,其中包括一套台式和笔记本电脑系统,一套移动设备系统,同时还有一套新的编程语言。与其他构建苹果“生态系统”的举措相结合,无论是站在开发者还是消费者的角度看,新一代操作系统都会使其产品变得更有吸引力,甚至会让竞争对手望尘莫及。长期以来,苹果致力于提供更好的便利性与用户体验。新一代操作系统将于秋季发布,这一系统将不仅仅是对当前系统的提升,还会使各种设备配合得天衣无缝。
