Text 2 Tropical rain pounds on the roof

免费题库2022-08-02  32

问题 Text 2 Tropical rain pounds on the roof of a cavernous warehouse near Jakarta,Indonesia's capital.Inside,youngsters in orange T-shirts haul around clothes,luggage and electrical goods for Lazada,an ecommerce finn,which has just moved in.The 12,000 square metre space is three times the size of the old one,but it already looks full.Three years ago Lazada's entire stock filled a storeroom the size of a studio flat,recalls Magnus Ekbom,its twenty-something boss in Indonesia.Internet shopping accounts for less than l%of all purchases in South-East Asia-a region twice as populous as America,where the proporlion is nearly 10%.But surging smartphone use and a broadening middle class mean the market is set to multiply:perhaps five fold by 2018,reckons Frost&Sullivan,a consulting firm.Since it launched in 2012 Lazada has laid claim to six South-East Asian countries,largely unchallenged by e-commerce giants such as Amazon of the United States,Alibaba of China and Rakuten of Japan.It may soon have to fight them for its tenitory.Lazada was created by Rocket Internet,a Berlin-based investor that helps out startups designed to dominate emerging markets.Rocket still holds a 24%stake,though Lazada has now raised more than$600m from inveslors including Tesco,a Bntish grocer,and Temasek,a Singaporean sover-eign-wealth fund.These deals appear to value it at about$1.3 billion,which could well make it South-East Asia's dearesl technology firm.Like other Rocket companies,Lazada is run by a group of young European emigranLs,plucked from finance and consuhing.It seems ready to stomach years oflosses.In the first half of 2014-Lhe only recent period for which results are available-it lost$50m before interest and tax,on revenues of$60m.Again like other Rocket comparues,its critics say it is just a copycat,in this case a mere clone of Amazon.Lazada's bosses say such charges underestimate the sophistication and ambition required to succeed in places such as Thailand,Indonesia,the Philippines and Vietnam.Online marketing is trickier there than in America or Europe,because locals use a much wider variety of search and social-media sites.The region's diversity means constant adjustment of online portals to suit local languages and cultures.It also means batding a hotch potch of customs rules.Which of the following is true about Rocket Internet?A.It aims at dominating intemational markets.B.It invests on new firms with promising future.C.Its market value is the highest in Southeast Asia.D.It helps startups to evaluate the emerging markets.

选项 A.It aims at dominating intemational markets.
B.It invests on new firms with promising future.
C.Its market value is the highest in Southeast Asia.
D.It helps startups to evaluate the emerging markets.

答案 B

解析 细节题。根据Rocket Internet定位到第三段。[A]It aims at dominating intemational markets.“它旨在主导国际市场”;该段首句提到:helps out startups designed to dominate emerging markets.“帮助旨在主导新兴市场的新企业。”首先文章说Rocket Internet帮助新企业,而非自己主导市场,且选项的intemational markets与文中emerging markets不符,故该项错误。[B]It invests on new firms with promising future.“它投资于前景光明的新企业”;该项依然对应首句:Lazada was created by Rocket Intemet,a Berlin-based investor that helps out startups designed to dominate emerging markets.句中investor“投资者”=invests“投资”;startups“新企业”=new firms“新公司”;dominate emerging markets“主导新兴市场”=promising future“前景光明”。故该项正确。[C]Its market value is the highest in Southeast Asia.“其市值是东南亚最高的”;该项对应最后一句:These deals appear to value it at about$1.3 billion,which could well make it South-East Asia's dearest technology firm.其中it指代Lazada.而非Rocket Intemet.故该项错误。[D]lt helps startups to evaluate the emerging markets.“它帮助新企业评估新兴市场”;该项对应原文:helps out startups designed to dominate emerging markets.原文说的是dominate“主导”市场,而非evaluate“评估”市场,该项属于典型的偷换概念。且评估市场是Frost&Sullivan的工作。综上,本题答案为[B]。
