Text l The outrage surrounding Donald Tr

资格题库2022-08-02  46

问题 Text l The outrage surrounding Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement is understandable.But no matter how much the President huffs and puffs,his views will go the way of some of the previous victims of climate change:the dinosaurs.We should not dismiss the measures and targets which the Paris Agreement looked to put in place.Even without the United States,the impact which they have will be pronounced.But the hard truth which the Trump administration will one day face up to is that they have already become marginalised and the future of action to limit the effects of climate change will now come,not from governments,but from the private sector.With this in mind,Trump's attempts to frame the decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement in any sort of economic terms seem flawed.The upside to his decision will be another"big win for the Donald",appealing to his political core.However,on his favourite subject-jobs-the statistics are against him,as the US solar industry now employs nearty twice as many workers as oil,gas and coal combined.In the UK,despite changes in regulation and cuts to subsidies,renewable energy continues to flourish.Solar energy is providing record percentages of power to the National Grid,while on stormier days,North Sea wind farms can now produce over 100 per cent of the energy used in Scotland.Meanwhile,attempts to develop a new shale-gas industry have so far floundered,despite significant government support.The past decade has seen a green energy revolution across the globe.Over 18 per cent of the world's power is now produced from renewable sources and this proportion looks set to rise in the coming years and decades.The growth in renewables has improved the efficiency of these cleaner forms of power,with costs per unit declining and set to fall further still.This growth is being reflected in the value of investments,as markets are already being reshaped as new players enter traditional industries,backed by capital rich private investors seeking sustainable long-term returns.Tesla,the electric vehicle maker founded in 2003,now has a market capitalisation over 20 per cent higher than Ford.It is also telling that the oil price fell after Trump's announcement.In theory oil and coal should have been prime beneficiaries of Trump's decision.Political impetus to act on climate change,through projects like the Paris Agreement,remains relevant.It would undoubtedly have been better if Trump had swallowed his pride and backed away from this decision.Yet when it comes to the future of our climate,it will be the thousands of businesses,millions of jobs and billions of consumers who decide,through the choices,purchases and investments they make,what that future will be.Even the leader of the free world is impotent against that tidal wave.The word"floundered"(Line 5,Para.4)is closest in meaning to______A.been in lack of investmentB.been increasingly prosperousC.been under public attackD.been in danger of failrng

选项 A.been in lack of investment
B.been increasingly prosperous
C.been under public attack
D.been in danger of failrng

答案 D

解析 [信息锁定]第二段末提出观点”应对气候变化的希望将源于私营部门,而非政府”。第三段基于这一观点说明美国情形。第四段则论述英国情形“可再生能源政府补贴削减,但蓬勃发展;与此同时,开发页岩气产业的努力虽然得到政府大力支持,却处于floundered状态”。可推知:作者用英国“政府支持降低、却依然蓬勃发展的可再生能源业”与”政府大力支持,却陷入困境的页岩气业”这一鲜明对比,说明“能源业的发展并非取决于政府”.D.为正确推导。[解题技巧]A.利用第六段investment设置干扰,但这并非第四段涉及内容,且与考查词所在句信息“政府大力支持(暗示资金充足)”相悖。B.脱离上文,将第四段整体以Meanwhile形成的“情形对比”误解为“情形并列”,从而认为flounder与flourish近义。C.干扰在于:have been under public attack与significani government support完全能够体现despite构成的转折对比关系(虽然得到政府大力支持vs却受到公众强烈攻击).但选项无法体现段落整体的逻辑,故错误。
