Text 1 Homework has never been terribly

考试题库2022-08-02  15

问题 Text 1 Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents,but in recently years it has been particularly scorned.School districts across the country,most recently Los Angeles Unified,are revising their thinking on this educational ritual.Unfortunately,L.A.Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses,homework may no longer count for more than 10%of a student's academic grade.This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework.But the policy is unclear and contradictory.Certainly,no homework should be assigned that students cannot complete on their own or that they cannot do without expensive equipment.But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives,it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a part of schooling;teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want.But with homework counting for no more than 10%of their grades,students can easily skip half their homework and see very little difference on their report cards.Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework,but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework?It is quite possible that the homework helped.Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students,the policy imposes a flat,acrosstheboard rule.At the same time,the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework.If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students'academic achievement,it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments,not make them count for almost nothing.Conversely,if homework matters,it should account for a significant portion of the grade.Meanwhile,this policy does nothing to ensure that the homework students receive is meaningful or appropriate to their age and the subject,or that teachers are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board,which is responsible for setting educational policy,looks into the matter and conducts public hearings.It is not too late for L.A.Unified to do homework right.As mentioned in Paragraph 4,a key question unanswered about homework is whether_____A.it should be eliminatedB.it counts much in schoolingC.it places extra burdens on teachersD.it is important for grades

选项 A.it should be eliminated
B.it counts much in schooling
C.it places extra burdens on teachers
D.it is important for grades

答案 B

解析 推理题【命题思路】这是一道开封闭式推理题,需要对文章第四段阐述的具体信息进行锁定,从而推断出该项政策一个尚未解决的问题。【直击答案】根据题干关键词“a key question unanswered”定位至第四段的首句,该句提到,这项政策并未解决任何与家庭作业相关的真正棘手的问题。而这个问题的具体内容则是从“if”开始说明。从这两句的内容中可以得出家庭作业重要与否尚无定论,B项就是对该句两方面的高度概括,故为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项属于过度推理,无视条件性。文章中虽提到:“If the district…”,但是如果A项成立,必须满足“If”这个条件,即家庭作业对学生不重要。C项属于过度推理,本段末句提及这项政策没有确保教师布置的家庭作业没有超过他们愿意批改的数量,强调“意愿问题”,而C项强调“负担问题”。D项属于过度推理,本段第三句提到了学习成绩方面的问题,但是并没有说“如果家庭作业不重要的话,就不要在成绩中占重要比例”。所以D项无法与原文实现“是”与“否”的匹配。
