"Google is not a conventional company.We

最全题库2022-08-02  25

问题 "Google is not a conventional company.We do not I to become one,"wrote Larry Page and Sergey Brin,the search firm's founders,in a letter to investors ahead ofits stockmarket flotation in 2004.Since then,Google has bumished its reputation 2 0ne ofthe quirkiest companies on the planet.This year alone it has 3 eyebrows by taking a stake in a wind-energy project off the east coast ofAmerica and by testing self-driving cars,which have already_4 0ver 140,000 miles(225,OOOkm)on the country's roads.Google has been able to 5 such flights of fancy 6 its amazingly successful online-search business.This has 7 handsome returns for the firm's investors,who have seen the company 8 itselfin the space ofa mere 12 years from a tiny start-up into a behemoth with a$180 billion market capitalisation that sprawls 9 a vast headquarters in Silicon Valley known as the Googleplex.Google 10 stretches across the web like a giant spider,with a leg in everything from online search and e-mail to social networking and web-based software applications,or apps.All this has turned Google into a force to be reckoned with.11 now the champion of the unorthodox is faced with two conventional business challenges.The first 12 placating regulators,who fret that it may be abusing its considerable 13.On November 30th the European Union 14 a formal investigation into claims that Google has been 15 search results to give an unfair advantage to its own services-a charge the firm vigorously 16.The other challenge facing Google is how to find new sources of growth.17 all the experiments it has launched,the firm is still heavily dependent on search-related advertising.Ironically,investors'biggest worry is that Google will end 18 like Microsoft,which has 19 to find big new sources of 20 and profit to replace those from its two ageing ponies,the Windows operating system and the Omce suite of business software.That explains why Google's share price has stagnated.4选?A.coveredB.rangedC.changedD.differed

选项 A.covered

答案 A

解析 动词辨析题。分析文章可知,空格所在句想表达的意思是:这种车已在美国公路上跑了14万多英里(22.5万公里),能表达这层含义的只有covered,故A项为正确选项。【干扰排除】B项ranged“变化,变动”,指数量、数值在一定范围内的变化、变动,通常搭配为range...from…这里显然与文意不符,故排除;C项changed“改变”,不符合题意,故排除;D项differed“与……不同”,通常与from搭配,不符合题意,亦排除。
