For years,if not decades.banks,post offi

最全题库2022-08-02  45

问题 For years,if not decades.banks,post office and pubs have been disappearing on the British high street.Still,the scale and pace of the current crop of casualties seems exceptional,as well as the shortage of replacement activities.Where once the ex-banks could be readily converted into pubs,and a variety of often innovative bars and restaurants promised to breathe life into streets abandoned by traditional even those hopeful trends have been reversed.The various companies have widely varied reasons for their problems,yet together they symbolise the crisis on the high street.And the word"crisis"is justified.There are common,ancl familiar,problems.The squeeze on household incomes,with near-stagnant wage levels and bouts of relatively high inflation,has lasted since the financial crisis began a decade ago.Even with the British shopper's ingenious way of defying financial logic,and clespite the Bank of Englancl's attempts to put cheap money into borrowers'pockets.sooner or later there was bound to be a correction.While the money flowing into the high street has hardly risen.the supply of everything from cupcake stands to sandwich outlels has been expanding.pushing rents and wages higher.Huge retail developments are sLill looked on by desperate development agencies and local councils as the quick fix for any clevastated post-industrial landscape.Once again,sooner or later this vast overcapacity was going to run into the reality of weak demand.No matter how smart the store or niche the outlet,whcn overheads aren't being covered by healthy sales,the future is bleak.Overarching all of that,however,is the digital revolution,with giants such as Amazon invading new retail sectors.Less well advertised is the simple trend among the British towards entertaining and making the most of their leisure time in their very expensive homes.Why go to a public house or a restaurant when your private house is just as entertaining and where virtually any pastime or product can be transmitted via satellite,web or cable technology,and a cheap takeaway delivery and a bottle of wine are just a couple of clicks away?Britain famously was once disparaged as"nation of shopkeepers",small-minded merchants with narrow cultural and political horizons.Then the British became notorious as a"nation of shoppers",small-minded consumers with narrow cultural and political horizons,as well as an almost reckless taste for debt and disregard for saving for the future.Now the British are becoming a nation of home-lovers,with pizzas arriving by moped and with a wireless hub for cosy nights in.For the sake of the high street,we need to get out more:either that,or local councils need to think hard about allowing more shops to be converted into flats.Then the British could become a nation of ex-shop dwellers,even if their cultural and political horizons remain as narrow as ever.According to Paragraph'l,what has happened to the British high street?A.Lots of banks have been converted to pubs.B.Innovative shops are replacing traditional ones.C.Some public services have losi their value,D.Retail and leisure are dying unprecedentedly.

选项 A.Lots of banks have been converted to pubs.
B.Innovative shops are replacing traditional ones.
C.Some public services have losi their value,
D.Retail and leisure are dying unprecedentedly.

答案 D

解析 开篇首先指出近年状况——英国高街的银行、邮局和酒吧等逐渐消失,继而指出现今形势一一消失速度和规模非比寻常,后对此做出进一步说明。可见高街的零售和休闲场所正经历着史无前例的消亡’D.中Reiail and Ieisure是对文中的banks,post office and pubs、bars and restaurants等的概括.dy:ng unprecedentedly对应文中的disappearing、casualties.…exceptional。[解题技巧]A.源自③句.…once ex-banks could be readily converLed into pubs,但此处意在指出“以往改建的方便可行性”,与当前现象无关。B.根据③句中碎片信息innovative和traditional shops臆断而来,但此处为更早之前的现象(高街已被传统商店所抛弃),且不涉及创新型商店信息,其次选项体现的“良好势头”与文意“创新型酒吧和饭店曾有望使高街复兴,现在这种趋势也无望了”相反。C.将首句主体“高街的银行、邮局和酒吧”窜改为“公共服务”,并将其消失原因杜撰为“丧失了价值”。
