Text 4"I like money and nice things,but

最全题库2022-08-02  25

问题 Text 4"I like money and nice things,but it's not money that makes me happy.It's people,"says one woman in a World Bank survey.She's not alone:research has found that social integration is more important for well-being than income,and also decreases poverty.Loneliness,conversely,can be deadly:one study found it did more damage to health than smoking.This week,policymakers from 40 countries met in Colombia to ponder ways to measure deprivation that take account of more than just income,including isolation.Several Latin American countries are devising or have already adopted such"multi-dimensional"measures of poverty.Income can be a misleading measure of need because poor people end up living in different degrees of hardship depending on their intangible resources.Having strong social bonds eases financial deprivation.Friends and relatives can lend money,pool risk,mind children and bring news ofjob openings.Researchers from the London School of Economics found that when a group of Bangladeshi women were given business training and free livestock,not only djd they move up the income ladder,but their friends'lot improved too.A year later the friends'consumption had risen by almost 20%,and they claimed to have become sawier about business as well.The downside is that not having the right friends can deepen hardship.The more concentrated the poverty,the less helpful social networks tend to be.In Atlanta,living in a poor neighbourhood decreases the chance of having a friend with a job by almost 60%,and of having a friend who had been to university by over a third.A global survey conducted in 2014 by a polling firm,found that 30%of people in the poorest flfth of their country's population had nobody to rely on in times of need,compared t0 16%of the richest fifih.It is doubly unfortunate,then,that poor people are often socially excluded precisely because they are poor.Chileans and Venezuelans see poverty as a bigger cause of discrimination than gender or ethnicity,according to researchers from Oxford University.Several countries have experienced with schemes that connect lonely old people and deprived youth.Germany,for instance,has built"multi-generational"community centres where older visitors get computer coaching from teenagers.With luck,these connections will help:one American study found that in poor neighbourhoods,three-quarters ofjobholders found work through friends.Perhaps Gennany's centres will furnish income as well as company.37.London School of Economics holds the view thatA.more jobs should be introduced to poor people.B.women can raise their social status by giving livestock.C.poor people are involved into complex social relationships.D.business training are necessary for low-income people.

选项 A.more jobs should be introduced to poor people.
B.women can raise their social status by giving livestock.
C.poor people are involved into complex social relationships.
D.business training are necessary for low-income people.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。第二段第四句提到“伦敦经济学院的研究人员发现,当给一群孟加拉国女性提供商业培训及免费家畜的时候,不但她们自己的收入增加了……”,故D项是正确选项。【干扰排除】文中并未提到“伦敦经济学院认为应该给穷人介绍更多的工作”,故A项排除;B项“妇女可以通过提供家畜来提高社会地位”与原文第二段第四句中“当给一群孟加拉国女性提供商业培训及免费家畜的时候,不但她们自己的收入增加了”的信息不符,故B项错误;文中讨论的是穷人因为缺乏社会关系而贫困,所以C项“穷人被卷进复杂的社会关系中”错误。
