A zoo is a place where animals are kept

admin2022-08-02  37

问题 A zoo is a place where animals are kept and displayed(展示)to the public.Some people arguethat a zoo need not be a place for animal display alone,and may also include raising animal species(物种)which are becoming less and less.Animal rights groups are divided on the matter of keeping animals in zoos--with some in favor ofthis practice,and others calling for a ban(禁令).The most important reason that those in favor of thispractice put forward is that it offers protection for animals.For those species which are fighting for theirlife,zoos are the best places where they get plenty of food,water and medical care when needed.Those who are against the practice argue that the idea of"displaying animals to the public"is itselfa strong enough reason for banning.They further add that the practice of using animals for our ownselfish gains cannot be a good reason under the excuse of protection.The treatment of animals inthesezoos is yet another big worry,with quite a few reports about ill-treatment(虐待)of animals once in awhile.It's very difficult to come up with a clear idea on whether it is right to keep animals in zoos or not.It is true that the animals are protected in these places as they don't get into conflict with humans.But,at the same time,one has to admit that keeping them in zoos equals a disrespect for nature.Theseanimals are born to live in the wild,and we should accept this fact.Those who are against the zoo think that people should______.A. let animals live in the wildB.sell animals in zoosC. use animals for funD.raise animals at home

选项 A. let animals live in the wild
B.sell animals in zoos
C. use animals for fun
D.raise animals at home

答案 A

解析 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,反对动物园的人认为,“向公众展示动物”本身就是个足够有力的反对理由,利用动物牟取私利的做法不能成为保护动物的正当理由,且动物园虐待动物的情况时有发生。由此可推断,反对的人认为,人们应该让动物回归自然。故本题选A。
