Dear Tom, You asked me why I like livin

考试题库2022-08-02  11

问题 Dear Tom,You asked me why I like living in New Mexico.I like it?21?it is so beautiful.We havemountains,mesas(平顶山),rivers,and forests.Mesa is the Spanish?22?for a broad,flat-toppedmountain.For 12 years,I have?23?across the state several times a month,and I still find newplaces that take my breath away.24?else do I like about living in New Mexico?I like the sunshine.We have over 300?25?days a year,with deep blue skies.Because we are 7,000 feet above?26?level and the weather isvery dry,the air is very?27?and the nights here are much colder than the days.The many days of sunshine are a very good thing for our state.Do you know that New Mexico?28?more than 3,200 hours of sunlight every year?With that much sunlight,we are one of thesunniest states in the United States.Some people?29?that if we could use the energy from all of thesunlight here,we could?30?more than enough power for the whole United States!The weather in New Mexico is good for?31?energy out of sunlight,but sometimes the lack ofrain is a?32?for people living here.Most of the state is desert,and there isn't enough water?33?drinking,growing food,and other uses.Farming is very difficult here because of the water shortage(短缺).There are many laws about water use in New Mexico so that everybody uses just enough.The?34?for water increases as more and more new homes are built.So,as with all places,there are things that are wonderful and yet others that are35aboutliving in New Mexico.How about you?Do you like living where you are?Yours,Anna第(35)题选A. difficultB.expensiveC.beautifulD.familiar

选项 A. difficult

答案 A

解析 逻辑推理题。所以,和其他地方一样,在新墨西哥州生活有很多美好的事情,但也有一些困难。通读全文可知,新墨西哥州阳光充足,但水资源短缺,给居民生活带来一些困难。本句中yet表示转折,因此空格处应该填和“wonderful”意义相反、形成对比的单词。difficult困难的;expensive昂贵的;beautiful美丽的;familiar熟悉的。故本题选A。
