
题库2022-08-02  31

问题 甲公司2012年12月31日的资产负债表显示的净资产为负,财务状况不断恶化。有关资产:商业用房一间,账面价值100万元;机器设备一套,账面价值20万元;银行存款30万元;应收乙的账款30万元(2013年1月20日到期);应收丙的账款70万元(2013年2月6日到期)。甲公司有关负债:应付丙的账款50万元(2013年3月3日到期);应付了的账款180万元(2013年1月10日到期)。2013年以来,甲公司的资产处理及债权债务清偿情况如下;(1) 1月20日,丁请求甲公司偿还欠款未果。但在1月28日下发现甲公司曾于1月15日将机器设备赠送给了戊。(2) 2月3日,甲公司将拥有的商业用房以60万元的价格(市场价格为120万元)转让给非关联企业己公司,已公司在不知情的情况下,受让该房产,并办理了过户登记手续。(3) 2月21日后,甲公司一直催告乙偿还债务,但乙到8月底仍未偿还,甲公司亦未采取其他法律措施。(4) 3月15日,甲公司向丙提出就50万元债权债务予以抵销。(5) 4月10日,甲公司与庚公巧签订债权转让合同,将对丙的20万元债权以18万元的价格转让给庚。要求;根据本题所述内容,分别回答下列问题。(1) 丁是否有权请求人民法院撤销甲公司将机器设备赠送给戊的行为?并说明理由。(2) 丁是否有权请求人民法院撤销甲公司将商业用房转让给己公司的行为?并说明理由。(3) 丁是否有权代位行使甲对乙的债权?并说明理由。(4) 甲是否有权向丙主张就50万元的债权债务予抵销?并说明理由。(5) 甲庚之间的债权转让何时生效?何时对丙产生效力?并分别说明理由。



解析 (1)丁有权请求人民法院撤销甲公司将机器设备赠送给戊的行为。根据规定,因债务人无偿转让财产,对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。
(1)D has the right to petition the people's court for cancellation of A Company's act,i. e.,the presenting of the machinery equipment to E. According to regulations,where the obligor assigns its propeily without reward,thereby harming the obligee's interests,the oMigee may petition the people's court for canceUaton of the obligor's act.
(2) D has no right to petition the people's court  for cancellation of A Company's act,i.e. ,the transferring of commercml buddings to F Compa-ny. According to regulations,in the case of the obligor,s act of reducing the property,where the obligor assigns its property at a low price which is manifestly unreasonable,thereby harming the obligee's interests,and the assignee is aware of the situation,the obligee may petition the people s court for canceHation of the obligor's act. In this case,F Gompany is an innocent bona fide third party,so D Company has no right to petition the people's court for canceHation of A Company' s act.
(3) 丁有权代位行使甲对乙的债权。根据规定,债务人怠于行使其对第三人享有的到期债权,危及债权人债权实现时,债权人为保障自己的债权,可以自己的名义代位行使债务人对次债务人的债权。本题中,在甲对乙的债权到期后,只要甲没有对乙提起诉讼或者申请仲裁,都属于债务人怠于行使其到期债权的行为。
(3) D has the right to subrogate the credkor's right of A againSt B. According to regulations,where the obligor delayed in exercising its creditor's right against a third person that was due,thereby harming the obligee,the obligee may subrogate the credkor's right of the obHgor
against the secondary obligor in order to protect its creeditor's light. In this case,after the creditor s right of A against B was due,A did not bring any suit against B or apply for arbitration,so A delayed in exercising its credkor' s right that wasdue.
(4) 甲可以主张就50万元的债权债务予以抵销。根据规定,当事人互负到期债务,债务标的物种类、品质相同的,任何一方均可主张抵销。本题中,甲和丙各自的货币债务均已到期且种类和性质相同,因此甲、丙均可主张抵销。
(4) A may offset hk obligation of 0. 5 million yuan against that of C. According to regulations,where the pailies are liable to one another for obligations that are due,and if the type and nature of the subject matter of such ob-ligations are the same,any pally may offset its own obligation against the obligation of the other party. In this case,A and C are liable to each other for obligations that are due and the type and nature of the subject matter of such obligations are the same,so either A or C may offset the obligations.
(5) 首先,甲庚么间的债权转让4月10日生效。根据规定,债权人转让权利,不需要经债务人同意,但应当通知债务人。
(5) First,the assignment of the creditor's right of A to G shall take effect on April 10,and such assignment wHl have effect on C upon receipt by C of the notice of such assignment. According to regulations,where the obligee assigns its rights,it does not need to obtain the consent by the obligor,but it shall notify the obligor. Second,the assignment of the creditor's right of A to G wil! have effect on C when such assignment is notified to C. According to regulations,the assignment of creditor's rights will have no effect on the obligor without notice thereof.
