
最全题库2022-08-02  53

问题 甲电器产业公司是世界上最大的电器公司之一,其合理的组织结构是成功的关键因素之一。甲电器公司采用分级管理、分级核算。公司经营管理分两级,即总公司一级,业务部门一级。总公司设有最高领导层与一套健全的职能机构。总公司以下按照不同产品设立业务部门,业务部门经理对该业务部门的经营管理负总责,业务部门下设职能机构。总裁李某集中四个主要功能来平衡分权之举。首先,甲公司设立严格的财务制度,由财务主管负责直接向总裁报告其财务状况,并且订立了严格的会计制度;其次,甲公司建立公司银行,各部口的利润都汇总于此,同财各部口增加投资时,必须向公司银行贷款;第三,实行人事管理权的集中,甲公司认为人才是公司最重要的资源,每一位超过初中学历的员工都必须经过总公司的仔细审核,所有的管理人员的升迁都必须经过总公司的仔细审查;第四,甲公司采取集中训练制度,所有的员工都必须经过甲公司价值观的训练,认同企业的价值观,努力为企业创造价值做出贡献。送样就形成了一种分权与集权的结合,但世界市场风云变幻莫测,分权与集权的机械式结合并不总是能应付自如。因此,甲公司总是不断地根据实际情况,对其结合方式和程度进行调整,以确保其组织的活力。要求:(1) 根据资料,判断甲公司采取的组织结构类型,并简述其优缺点;(2) 简述企业文化为企业创造价值的途径。



解析 (1)公司经营管理分两级,即总公司一级,业务部门一级。总公司设有最高领导层与一套健全的职能机构。总公司以下按照不同产品设立业务部门,业务部门经理对该业务部口的经营管理负总责,业务部门下设职能机构。可以看出甲公司采取的是产品事业部制组织结构。
产品事业部制结构的优点:一是生产与销售不同产品的不同职能活动和工作可通过事业部/ 产品经理来予以协调和配合。二是各个事业部可集中精力在其自身的区域。这就是说,由于这种结构更具灵活性,因此更有助于企业实施产品差异化。三是易于出售或关闭经营不善的事业部。
(2)企业文化为企业创造价值的途径包括:①文化简化了信息处理;②文化补充了正式控制; ③文化促进合作并减少讨价还价成本。
【EngHsh Answers】
(1) There are two levels in company,s operation, corporate level and divisional level. Product divisions are set up below corporate level, divisional managers are responsible for overaH management of operations,and functions are set up in each di- vision. It indicates that Jia Company adopts product divisional organizational structure.
The advantages of product divisional structure:First,different functional activities and works relating to production and sales of different prod- nets could be coordinal;ed and cooperakd by divi- sicnal or product managers.
Second,each divislon could put more emphasize on its own area. That is to say,due to the flexibility of the structure。it is more helpful to a-chieve product differentiation.
Third,it is easy to sell or shut down loss—making divisions.
The disadvantages of product divisional struc-ture:
First,conflicts may exist arising from competing Hmited resources between divisions.
Second,there is overlap and waste management costs between each division.
Third,with the increased number of product di-visions,it becomes difficult to coordinate with each other.
Fourth,with the increased numberofproduetdi- visions,the senior management are lack of over-all concept of the company.
(2) The creation of the value of the company is at-tiibuted by company culture through three ways:1. culture simplifies information processing;2. cuhure at the same time supplements formal control;3. cul-ture improves cooperation and reduced the cost in the course of bargaining process.
