Which of the following about?The Times?i

练习题库2022-08-02  13

问题 Which of the following about?The Times?is not true?A.The circulation is very small.B.This is the most famous of all British papers.C.The most important British people all over the world still read it.D.It is most critical of established interests.

选项 A.The circulation is very small.
B.This is the most famous of all British papers.
C.The most important British people all over the world still read it.
D.It is most critical of established interests.

答案 A

解析 The Times《泰晤士报》是英国第一主流大报,也是英国历史最悠久的日报,发行量很大,对世界政治、经济、文化有重大影响。选项A与事实不符,为正确答案。
