
练习题库2022-08-02  61

问题   噪音和大气污染目前已成为重庆市民关心的两大焦点问题。近年来重庆城市建设迅猛发展,随之带来的建筑施工噪音令市民们头痛不已。而随着城市汽车数量的成倍增加以及餐饮业的繁荣,大气污染问题也成为山城环境保护的又一难题。事实上,重庆市一直十分重视环保问题。市政府于去年底启动了一项“净空”工程,关闭了大气污染严重的企业,这一工程目前已初见成效。



解析 Noise pollution and air pollution have become the two major concerns of citizens in Chongqing. The city construction has experienced sharp development in the recent years, but the accompanied noises are fairly annoying. With the rapid geminating increase of the cars and the prosperity of the restaurants, air pollution becomes another conundrum. As a matter of fact, the Chongqing Government has always been posing emphasis on environment protecting. The municipal government started an air decontamination project at the end of last year, closing the enterprises that cause heavy pollutions. And the project has begun to take effects.
