
免费题库2022-08-02  56

问题   调查显示,对于“婚前财产公证”的态度,随着时代的变迁,人们越来越宽容和接受了,尤其是中高学历者,46%的本科学历者“做过或打算做婚前财产公证”。在调查中还发现,传统方式上,婚后一般双方的财产是放在一起管理的,可是目前,未婚者对于财产的管理比已婚者更倾向于“保留自己的部分财产,然后把余下的部分共同管理”这种理财方式,经济有一定的独立性,又不失一个家庭的作用。这种不失个人独立的家庭理财方式,在调查的本科及以上学历者中有30%的人接受。



解析 Investigation shows that people have a more tolerant attitude towards the practice of notarizing property before marriage, especially among those with a medium or advanced education background with 46% bachelors “have or are planning to notarize the property before their marriage.” Also, the investigation shows that in the past the property of the two parties were managed together, while today those to get married tend to “keep part of their own property although there are some parts being managed by the two parties together”. They believe that this way of managing their property can ensure they remain independent economically while respecting the role of family. Investigation shows this idea is accepted by 30% of those with a bachelor or higher degree.
