
资格题库2022-08-02  61

问题   科学家是一群努力洞悉自然,在表面杂乱无序中寻求规律的人。他们具有一种特殊的思考与分析能力,具有无限的耐心进行观察和收集数据。但是,并不能把一切科学发现都归因于能力和耐心,科学发现常常与创造性的想象力紧密相关。的确,想象力的飞跃往往是通向发现的第一步。另外,科学家也以其诚实而著称。他们非常重视诚实,主要是因为诚实对他们至关重要。他们提出的每一个理论都要受到进一步的检验。每一个错误或谎言必将被发现,因此,如果发现了与他们的想法相矛盾的证据,科学家不是隐瞒证据,而是修改甚至放弃他们的想法。这样他们积累了极其大量的知识,这些知识帮助我们更好地了解自己及周围的世界。



解析 Scientists are a group of people who observe the nature and search for laws out of the superficially disordered state. They have some special thinking and analyzing abilities as well as endless patience for observation and data collection. However, we can’t attribute all the scientific discoveries to abilities and patience, because scientific discoveries, in most cases, connect closely with creative imagination. Indeed, imagination is the first step towards discoveries. In addition, scientists are also famous for their honesty. They think highly of honesty mainly because honesty matters much to them. Every theory they propose will be further tested. Every mistake or lie will definitely be found out. Therefore, once finding evidence contradictory to their own ideas, scientists revise or even abandon their own ideas instead of hiding the evidence. As a result they accumulate huge amount of knowledge, which helps us better understand ourselves and the world around us.
