
admin2022-08-02  54

问题   顾名思义,这是一朵再放的花朵。它曾经绽开在大中学生的教材里,摇曳在中文老师的讲义上,灿烂在无数学子的诵读中。春光如水。十年过去,也许五年或者十年,甚而至于更多一些年头,昔日的少年已是今天的白领阶层,抑或社会各个阶层各种角色的扮演着,对于曾经在课堂上读过的文章,至今余香在口,每能回忆,那同学少年,那花样季节,那响彻幽雅校园的琅琅之声,无一不令人心醉。于是有一天,我们这一套书的编者便作如是想,假使将那十年前度过的名篇重编一书,新加评注,让旧的读者以新的心境再读一遍,连同已逝的韶华一并温习,不亦乐乎?(249字)



解析 The title of this bilingual collection,?Cherished Dawn Blossomsreminds one of a bouquet of reopened blossoms. These blossoms of Chinese literature were once in full bloom in much-read books, in teachers’ curricular and on the lips of students. Time flows like water in a river. Ten or more years hence, those students would have grown up, but whatever position they hold in society today, they will never forget those beautiful pieces of prose, poetry and stories in their old school books. The sound of the classroom recital of those masterpieces still echoes in their years, making them nostalgic for those school days. One day, an idea suddenly hit us, the editors of these series- wouldn’t it be wonderful to pick up those cherished blossoms and arrange them into bouquets for our readers who would probably look at them again from a new prospective, a matured aesthetic judgment?
