
考试题库2022-08-02  50

问题   近年来,许多中国出口厂商受到了金融危机的冲击,我们必须采取有效措施来对付这种出口低迷的局面,全方位地开拓国际市场。俗话说:“不能在一棵树上吊死。”在选择新市场时要权衡其风险与机会,并且要反映迅速;要随时跟踪市场变化情况,以便选择有利时机和地点抓紧出口。只有那些富有活力、洞察力和应变力的企业才能在市场景气时大显身手,而在市场萧条时也能站稳脚跟。当某些市场疲软时,总还有另一些市场坚挺,所以能够做到“东方不亮西方亮”。  出口商品必须有一流的品质、款式和包装,但行之有效的广告宣传和促销活动也很重要,尤其要提高用外语针对国外市场进行宣传的能力。赴国外参展、派人员出国推销、在国外建立生产或销售点等等,一定要讲求实效。



解析 In recent years, many Chinese exporters are adversely affected by the financial crisis. We must take effective measures to deal with this export slump, and to develop international markets in all directions. Just as the saying goes, “do not hang in one tree”, while choosing the new markets, we have to weigh the risks and opportunities and to react rapidly; we also need to keep track of the changes in market in order to select favorable time and place to export. Only those enterprises full of vitality, insight and resilience could flourish in the market and survive even in the depressed market. When some of the markets are weak, there are always other markets that are strong, thus we are able to find another door when one door shuts.
  Exports must have first-class quality, style and packaging, but effective advertising and promotional activities are also important, especially the promotion by foreign languages targeted at foreign markets, which demands us to improve our language ability. Also, we must be practical and effective while participating in trade fairs abroad, sending staff abroad for promotion, and establishing factories or sales outlets abroad, etc.
