Fiber-optic lines will form most of th

考试题库2022-08-02  6

问题   Fiber-optic lines will form most of the backbone of the information highway, just as they do for the phone system today. Fiber-optic cable is made of long, thin strands of glass rather than wire, and it transmits information in the form of digitized pulses of laser light rather than the radio waves used by coaxial cable. Because light pulses have shorter wavelengths than radio waves, engineers can cram much more data into fiber-optic lines than into other kinds of cables and wires. A single fiber, for example, can handle a mind-boggling 5,000 video signals or more than 500,000 voice conversations simultaneously. This huge capacity allows it to transmit all signals digitally. So noise or static easily can be filtered out. Finally, because glass is an inherently more efficient medium for transmitting information than other materials, a fiber-optic line can transmit a signal thousands of miles without much “signal loss”. Fiber-optic cable, simply put, is the method of choice for transmitting massive quantities of information over long distances.  Another key is “digital compression”—a variety of methods for reducing the amount of digital code (streams of ones and zeros) needed to represent a piece of information—whether it is a document, a still picture, a movie or a sound. Digital compression is most critical for transmitting video, because digitized video consumes enormous amounts of space. Just four seconds of a digitized film, for example, would completely fill a 100-megabyte hard drive. A feature film of typical length, if uncompressed, would occupy more than 350 ordinary compact discs.  Compression techniques achieve their gins by recording only the changes from one frame to the next, The background image in a movie scene, for example, typically does not change much from one flame to another. In a digital compression scheme, the background would be recorded only once; after that, only the actors’ movements would be captured.  One result is more choices—hundreds of channels coming through your cable TV line instead of dozens. Digital compression also makes it easier to piggyback data onto media that were not designed with data in mind: in particular, phone lines.



解析 光纤电缆构成了今日电话系统的主干线,同样,它也将构成未来信息公路的主干线。光纤电缆的制造材料是细长的玻璃丝而不是金属导线,它的信息传输方式是激光数字脉冲而不是同轴电缆使用的无线电波。由于光脉冲的波长比无线电波的波长短,因而工程师可以输入光纤电缆的信息量之大令其他类型的电缆和导线望尘莫及。例如,一根光纤电缆可同时处理五千个电视信号或50多万次电话通话,简直令人惊奇。这种巨大的能力使它可以实现全部信号传输数字化,从而轻而易举地滤掉噪音或静电干扰。最后要指出的是,玻璃作为媒介,它本身的传输效率便高于其他材料,因而一条光纤电缆可将一个信号传输数千英里而几乎没有“信号流失”。简而言之,光纤电缆是远距离传输大量信息的最佳方式。
