Percy Bysshe Shelley was famous for( ).A

考试题库2022-08-02  50

问题 Percy Bysshe Shelley was famous for( ).A.Ode to a Nightingale B.Ode to Autumn C.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner D.Prometheus Unbound

选项 A.Ode to a Nightingale
B.Ode to Autumn
C.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
D.Prometheus Unbound

答案 D

解析 英国文学之作家作品。Shelley(雪莱)的代表作有Prometheus Unbound(《解放了的普罗米修斯》)和Ode to the West Wind(《西风颂》)。Ode to a Nightingale(《夜莺颂》)和Ode to Autumn(《秋颂》)的作者是英国浪漫诗人John Keats(约翰·济慈);The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(《古舟子咏》)是英国19世纪湖畔派诗人Samuel Taylor Coleridge(塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治)的代表作。
