-It was an interesting exhibition, wasn′

资格题库2022-08-02  43

问题 -It was an interesting exhibition, wasn′t it?-No, it was very uninteresting.Which maxim of the Politeness Principle that above example violates?( )A.The tact maxim B.The modesty maxim C.The agreement maxim D.The sympathy maxim

选项 A.The tact maxim
B.The modesty maxim
C.The agreement maxim
D.The sympathy maxim

答案 C

解析 考查语用学知识。A项“得体准则”指尽量减少有损他人的观点,增加有益他人的观点;B项“谦逊准则”指减少对自己的表扬,对自己多贬低少赞扬;C项“一致准则”指尽量保持自己与别人在观点上的一致性,尽量避免冲突;D项“同情准则”指减少感情上的对立,尽量体谅、同情对方。在这个例子中,回答者直截了当地承认这场展览很无趣,与问话者的观点相反,违反了礼貌原则中的“一致性准则”。
