A writer who wants to convince his reade

最全题库2022-08-02  19

问题 A writer who wants to convince his readers of a point of view must marshall his arguments assert the virtues of his opinions,and( )the possible protests of the opposition.A.diminish   B.demonstrate   C.declare   D.demolish

选项 A.diminish

答案 D

解析 考查动词辨析。diminish 表示“减少,(使)减弱”,demonstrate表示“证明,证实”,declare 表示“公布,宣布”,demolish表示“拆毁,拆除(建筑物);推翻,驳倒(观点或理论);轻易击败”。此处所填动词是和后面的possible protests of the opposition相对应的,所以应该是demolish。故本题选D。句意:一个作家如果想要说服他的读者信服他的观点,他必须运用他的论点来维护他的观点,并驳倒反对派可能提出的异议。
