资料:October 20,2013 Mr.Eng Tan 10010 Ge

题库2022-08-02  31

问题 资料:October 20,2013Mr.Eng Tan10010 George Ave.New YorkDear Mr. Chen,As the president, I am proud to announce that this Friday marks the 50th   anniversary of long and successful company. This, of course, calls for a night of celebration. And for this reason, we have reserved the Grand Hall at the Garden Hotel this Friday at 6 p.m. for a night of fine dining and dancing.On this special evening, the food will be superb. I’ve had a chance to dine at the hotel several times in the past in other functions, and it was the food that convinced me to hold our event here. I am quite certain that all of our staff will share my feeling. Anyhow, I am looking forward to this Friday when all of our staff can let loose and have some fun.Therefore, this is a letter to officially invite you and your spouse or significant other to join us on this memorable evening.Please let us know if you can’t attend.Yours Sincerely,Jeff ConnellyWhich of the following will be part of the event?A.Product ReleaseB.DancingC.PresentationsD.Discussions

选项 A.Product Release

答案 B

解析 本题考查细节理解。
【关键词】which of the following; part of the event
【主题句】第一段And for this reason, we have reserved the Grand Hall at the Garden Hotel this Friday at 6 p.m. for a night of fine dining and dancing. 为此,星期五下午6点,我们在花园酒店预订了大厅,在此享受美食、跳舞来度过夜晚。
