资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks

题库2022-08-02  43

问题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward.1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIMEFace it: You aren’t cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead, there are likely certain times when you’re at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That’s normal. Maybe for you, it’s bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrives in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identify that chunk of time (even if it’s only an hour!) when you feel most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion--it isn’t optional. That way you’re guaranteed to have a regular, designated period when you can at least get started on those bigger to-dos.2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERSNobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it’s the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first--we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and focus if you’re going to get any meaningful work done.One of the most effective methods I’ve found is to put physical barriers between us. I’ll work from a conference room or even from home on occasion in order to get some literal space from people needing “just one quick thing.”What can be inferred from paragraph 3?A.You have to be readily available in the office.B.People cannot work in a vacuum.C.People in the office love helping others.D.Sometimes we have to decline colleagues’ requests.

选项 A.You have to be readily available in the office.
B.People cannot work in a vacuum.
C.People in the office love helping others.
D.Sometimes we have to decline colleagues’ requests.

答案 D

解析 本题考查的是推理判断。
【关键词】inferred;paragraph 3
【主题句】第3自然段 But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and focus if you’re going to get any meaningful work done.但是如果你需要完成一些意义重大的工作,就需要一些屏蔽干扰的时间。
【解析】题干意为“从第3自然段可以推断出什么?” 选项A意为“你必须在办公室随时待命”;选项B意为“人们不能在真空中工作”;选项C意为“办公室的人喜欢帮助别人”;选项D意为“有时候我们不得不拒绝同事的要求”;根据主题句可知,虽然在别人需要帮助的时候,我们希望提供帮助。但是,有时我们在做有意义的工作的时候,不得不婉拒同事的请求。故选项D正确。
