资料:Western business visitors are often d

免费题库2022-08-02  12

问题 资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.Another different approach to doing business is that in a buying decision: Westerners tend to look for clear alternatives, while Easterners may examine ways to combine both options. For example, a Chinese panel may feel that a supplier who combines claims of best quality with a low price may either raise the price during the contract or fail to implement the contract. They will therefore often prefer to choose a supplier whose price is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. In addition, a Chinese panel may avoid awarding each supplier more than one contract , in order to minimize dependence on a single supplier. Such an approach may make a Westerner think that a Chinese negotiator is being illogical, evasive or devious, when he himself believes he is being quite straightforward.What's more, both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. The objective of developing close relationships is to build what the Chinese call guanxi (pronounced gwan shee), which are essentially social or business connections based on mutual interest and benefit in a centralized and bureaucratic state, reliance on personal contacts is often seen as the only way to get thing done. And in a place like China where the legal system is still relatively weak, the need to rely on guanxi remains strong.Both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. But the obligations of guanxi are very real. In the wrong place, at an inappropriate time, with unsuitable people, the obligations can become a trap which is hard to escape. The word "deadline-driven" in paragraph 1 is closed in meaning to:A.arrange schedule according to the deadlineB.drive according to the deadlineC.afraid of the deadlineD.procrastination

选项 A.arrange schedule according to the deadline
B.drive according to the deadline
C.afraid of the deadline

答案 A

解析 本题考查的是推理判断。
【关键词】deadline-driven;closed in meaning to
【主题句】第1自然段Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. 西方商务访问者经常是最后期限驱动的,在讨论问题时不愿意放慢到中国人的速度。
【解析】题干意为“与第1自然段的‘deadline-driven’意思最相近的是哪一项?” 选项A意为“按期限安排时间表”;选项B意为“根据截止日期驾驶”;选项C意为“害怕最后期限”;选项D意为“拖延”。根据主题句可知,deadline-driven的意思就是根据截止日期来安排计划表,故选项A正确。
