资料:International Federation for Scientif

资格题库2022-08-02  33

问题 资料:International Federation for Scientific Research#203 Lotus Garden Road, Mumbai 400 032, India13 August Dr. Jonas RadcliffeSNB Laboratories Glasgow G3 8HNUnited Kingdom Membership #2789RDear Dr. Radcliffe, This year, the International Federation for Scientific Research (IFSR) will hold its annual convention from 20 to 23 November.The conference will be held in Colombo, Sir Lanka, and will have Changing Migration Patterns as its theme. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Preeti Pillai, dean of biology at Gujarat University of Science and the author of the acclaimed book Migrant Birds in Asia. In addition, more than 100 noted speakers will be presenting their latest research findings related to migration and ecology. Register before 21 September and receive a 20 percent reduction on the registration fee. To register online and to look at presentation summaries, please visit www.ifsr.org Information on hotel accommodation and transportation options is also available on the site. The IFSR hopes you will be able to attend this important and informative convention.Yours sincerely, Me1issa OduyaDirector, IFSRWho is Dr. Pillai?A.A laboratory director.B.A conference organizer.C.A computer engineer.D.A science professor.

选项 A.A laboratory director.
B.A conference organizer.
C.A computer engineer.
D.A science professor.

答案 D

解析 本题考查的是细节理解。
【关键词】Who;Dr. Pillai?
【主题句】第二自然段Our keynote speaker is Dr. Preeti Pillai, dean of biology at Gujarat University of Science and the author of the acclaimed book Migrant Birds in Asia.我们的主题演讲人是Preeti Pillai博士,印度古吉拉特邦科学大学生物系主任,也是广受好评的《亚洲候鸟》的作者。
