The steam machine________ industry _____

练习题库2022-08-02  12

问题 The steam machine________ industry _____ dependence on running water for the only way to transport big amount of goods.A. free; by B. helped; with C. departed; to D. liberated; from

选项 A. free; by
B. helped; with
C. departed; to
D. liberated; from

答案 D

解析 考查词组辨析。句意:蒸汽机使得工业摆脱了只能依靠水路运输大宗货物的束缚。free 作动词,有“使自由,解放”的含义,但是此时后面常用介词from;help 常用于help sb. with sth.的结构中,表示帮助某人做某事;depart 离开,出发,depart to 表示“动身去……”;liberate 解放,释放,常用结构liberate... from...使解脱,符合句意。
