考试题库2022-08-02  36

问题 NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES: 14th ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF IT PROFESSIONALSCVD Inc. will be sending one employee from the IT Department to this conference, which will take placeover a weekend in the spring at the Royal Embassy Hotel in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This years'conference topic is ”Information Technology and Human Resources: Bridging the Gap”. Interestedemployees should send an e-mail to Ashwin Jain at, stating why they believe they shouldbe sent on the conference and how they would use what they learned there to better the company upontheir return. If a suitable candidate is not found in the IT Department by January 15th, employees fromHuman Resources (HR) with strong computer skills will be invited to apply.From:To:Subject: ConferenceAshwin,I am writing to notify you of my interest in attending the 14th Annual Conference of IT Professionals. Assoon as I saw the posting yesterday afternoon, I knew that I wanted to apply.While I realize that I have not been with CVD Inc. for as long as many others in my department, I thinkmy unique mix of skills and experience makes me the ideal person to attend. For the first half of myprofessional career, I worked as a Human Resources Manager for a software development firm. I amfamiliar with strategic management principles, HR policy administration, and organizational change anddevelopment trends. I frequently facilitated workshops and training sessions and am very comfortablepresenting to a group.When I decided five years ago to realize a dream and pursue an education in computer programming(which had previously been just a hobby), I knew that I wanted to work for a great company like CVDInc. I love my job here but I do sometimes miss the human element of HR work. That's why I think thatattending this conference would be an ideal situation for both myself and the company. Who better toabsorb and circulate the information than someone who has had her feet in both worlds?Thank you for considering me for this opportunity,Louise CampineauIT DepartmentCVD Inc.What is the main purpose of the conference?A. Bringing human resources and technology closer together
B. How to apply for human resource jobs
C. Examining how IT and HR affect bridge-building
D. Examining how HR should look at bridge technology

选项 A. Bringing human resources and technology closer together

B. How to apply for human resource jobs

C. Examining how IT and HR affect bridge-building

D. Examining how HR should look at bridge technology

答案 A

