山东启明进出口贸易公司(自理报检单位备案号3 7 O 7 6 O O 5 7 3

考试题库2022-08-02  49

问题 山东启明进出口贸易公司(自理报检单位备案号3 7 O 7 6 O O 5 7 3)与香港华南贸易公司(H A W K -LAND TRADE COMPANY, HONGKONG)签订外贸合同出口工业级氢氧化钾。货物生产商为云南 昆明华融化工有限责任公司(自理报检单位备案号5S00600059)。请根据所提供的材料判断《出境货物 报检单》有关内容的正误。注意:下面的表看沃德文件或参考去年的:出境货物报检单可以单独排一页。SALES CONTRACTNo. : 201208QM275Date: Aug. 15,2012The Buyer: HAWK — LAND TRADE COMPANY,HONGKONGThe Seller: SHANDONG QIMING IMP. EXP. CORP.This contract is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under— mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below ;(1)(2) Packing:In P. P. BAGS(3) Portof Loading:CHONGQING PORT, CHINA(4) Port of Destination:NEWYORK PORT,U. S.(5) Shipping Mark: HAWK — LAND(6) Date of Shipment:Sep. 2012 ,/ By Vessel(7) Terms of Payment : L/C(8) Documents Required:Certificate of Quality Issued By CIQ showing the number of L/C. Buyer The Seller



