There is nothing in this world constant

考试题库2022-08-02  30

问题 There is nothing in this world constant but inconstancy.—SWIFTProject after project designs a set of algorithms and then plunges into construction of customer-deliverable software on a schedule that demands delivery of the first thing built.In most projects,the first system built is( )usable.It may be too slow,too big,awkward to use,or all three.There is no( )but to start again,smarting but smarter,and build a redesigned version in which these problems are solved.The discard and( )may be done in one lump,or it may be done piece-by-piece.But all large-system experience shows that it will be done.Where a new system concept or new technology is used,one has to build a system to throw away,for even the best planning is not so omniscient(全知的)as to get it right the first time.The management question,therefore,is not whether to build a pilot system and throw it away.You will do that.The only question is whether to plan in advance to build a(请作答此空),or to promise to deliver the throwaway to customers.Seen this way,the answer is much clearer.Delivering that throwaway to customers buys time,but it does so only at the( )of agony(极大痛苦)for the user,distraction for the builders while they do the redesign,and a bad reputation for the product that the best redesign will find hard to live down.Hence plan to throw one away;you will,anyhow.A.throwawayB.systemC.softwareD.product

选项 A.throwaway

答案 A

解析 题意想要表达的意思是抛弃原型的开发,紧接着后半句有提到了这个词,正确答案为A,(使用后抛弃的)原型。附(参考翻译):世界上没有一成不变的东西.——斯威夫特项目组设计了一套项目算法,在按照约定交付给客户时发现了该软件存在结构性的问题。在大多数项目中,建立的第一套系统几乎是不可用的,它可能运行太慢、数据太大、使用不方便等,或者这三者都有。除了重新开始之外我们别无选择,虽然很痛苦但是我们可以更加睿智地构建一个重新设计的版本,解决掉存在的问题。可以一次全部丢弃和重构,也可以分批进行。但是从过往的经验来看,所有的大型系统都必然经历这样的过程。在使用时系统研究新概念或新技术,就必须建立一个系统并抛弃,因为即使最好的规划也不能保证考虑到方方面面,使第一次便获得让人满意的结果。因此,管理并不是考虑是否需要建立一项试验系统然后又把它扔了,因为这是必须的。问题仅在于是否要计划提前打造产品,或作出承诺,为客户提供这种必然会被替换的产品。如果这样来考虑,答案是很清楚的。为客户提供这类产品需要花费时间,但对用户来说痛苦的代价是巨大的,会使建设者他们重新设计时分心,坏的声誉也会导致最好的重新设计难以落实。所以将舍弃写进你的计划;无论怎样,你都会的。
