Digital certificate is an identity card

最全题库2022-08-02  49

问题 Digital certificate is an identity card counterpart in the (   ) society. When a person wants to get a digital certificate, he generates his own key pair, gives the (   ) key as well as some proof of his identification to the Certificate Authority (CA). CA will check the person's identification to assure the identity of the applicant.If the applicant is really the one “who claims to be”, CA will issue a digital certificate, with the applicant's name, e-mail address and the applicant's public key, which is also signed digitally with the CA's ( 请作答此空) key. When A wants to send B a message, instead of getting B's public key, A now has to get B's digital certificate. A first checks the certificate authority's (   ) with the CA's public key to make sure it's a trustworthy certificate. Then A obtain B's public key from the certificate, and uses it to (   ) message and sends to B.A.symmetricB.privateC.publicD.shared


答案 B

解析 数字证书相当于电脑世界的身份证。当一个人想获取数字证书时,他生成自己的一对密钥,把公钥和其他的鉴定证据送达证书授权机构CA,CA将核实这个人的证明,来确定申请人的身份。如果申请人确如自己所声称的,CA将授予带有申请人姓名、电子邮件地址和申请人公钥的数字证书,并且该证书由CA用其私有密钥做了数字签名。当A要给B发送消息时,A必须得到B的数字证书,而非B的公钥。A首先核实带有CA公钥的签名,以确定是否为可信赖的证书。然后,A从证书上获得B的公钥,并利用公钥将消息加密后发送给B。
