With circuit switching,a(  )path is esta

练习题库2022-08-02  2

问题 With circuit switching,a(  )path is established between two stations for communication.Switching and transmission resources within the network are(  )for the exclusive use of the circuit for the duration of the connection.The connection is(  ):Once it is established,it appears to attached devices as if there were a direct connection.Packet switching was designed to provide a more efficient facility than circuit switching for(  )data traffic.Each packet contains some portion of the user data plus control information needed for proper functioning of the network.A key distinguishing element of packet-switching networks is whether the internal operation is datagram or virtual circuit.With internal virtual circuits,a route is defined between two endpoints and all packets for that virtual circuit follow the(  )route,With internal datagrams,each packet is treated independently,and packets intended for the same destination may follow different routes.问题1选项A.uniqueB.dedicatedC.nondedicatedD.independent问题2选项A.discardedB.abandonedC.reservedD.broken问题3选项A.indistinctB.directC.indirectD.transparent问题4选项A.casualB.burstyC.limitedD.abundant问题5选项A.sameB.differentC.singleD.multiple



解析 通过电路交换建立起两个站之间用于通信的一条专用路径 。在连接的持续时间内,网络内的切换和传输资源(预留)用于该电路的专用。连接是(透明的):一旦建立,就好像有直接连接一样连接设备。分组交换的设计目的是为数据流量提供比电路交换更有效的设备。每个包包含用户数据的一部分+网络的正常运转所需的控制信息。分组交换网络的一个关键区别在于内部操作是数据报还是虚拟电路。对于内部虚拟电路,在两个端点之间定义一个路由,该虚拟电路的所有包都遵循(相同)路由;对于内部数据报,每个包都独立处理,针对同一目的地的包可能遵循不同的路由。
