The defacto standard Application Program

免费题库2022-08-02  34

问题 The defacto standard Application Program Interface (API) for TCP/IP applications is the “sockets” interface. Although this API was developed for (  ) in the early 1980s it has also been implemented on a wide variety of non-Unix systems。 TCP/IP (  )written using the sockets API have in the past enjoyed a high degree of portability and we would like the same (  )with IPv6 applications。 But changes are required to the sockets API to support IPv6 and this memo describes these changes。These include a new socket address structure to carry IPv6 (  ),new  address conversion functions,and some new socket options。These extensions are designed to provide access to the basic IPv6 features required by TCP and UDP applications,including multicasting, while introducing a minimum of change into the system and providing complete (  )for existing IPv4 applications。问题1选项A.WindowsB.LinuxC.UnixD.DOS问题2选项A.applicationsB.networksC.protocolsD.systems问题3选项A.portabilityB.availabilityC.capabilityD.reliability问题4选项A.connectionsB.protocolsC.networksD.addresses问题5选项A.availabilityB.compatibilityC.capabilityD.reliability



解析 对于TCP/IP应用程序而言,事实上的标准应用程序结构(API)是套接字接口。在二十世纪八十年代早期,API是在DOS环境下开发,且在多种非Unix系统上实现。TCP / IP使用套接字API编写的应用程序在过去享有高度的可移植性,我们倾向于在IPv6应用程序中也要实现与之相同的可移植性。但是套接字API支持IPv6和本备忘录描述这些变化,有些改变是必须的。这就包括一个新的套接字地址结构需要携带IPv6地址,新地址转换功能,和一些新的套接字选项。这些扩展旨在提供TCP和UDP应用程序所需的基本IPv6特性,包括多播,当进入一套系统系统时引入最少的变化,且为现有的IPv4应用程序提供完整的兼容性。
