Typically, an IP address refers to an in

最全题库2022-08-02  46

问题 Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses  are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.空白(5)应选(    )。A. Multicast B. unicast C. broadcastD. multiple unicast

选项 A. Multicast
B. unicast
C. broadcast
D. multiple unicast

答案 C

解析 一般来说,一个IP地址对应网络上的一台主机。IP地址还能标识一组或多个网络上的主机组的地址,这种地址叫IP组播地址,把数据源发出的数据包传送给相应组播组成员的过程叫组播。组播在单一局域网段是直接传送的,使用IEEE802以及一些局域网协议如物理层协议。当包含一个组播地址的数据包在局域网段传输时,属于接收数据的组播组中的工作站能够识别这个地址并接收数据包。采用这种方式只需传送一份数据包副本,这是因为局域网是广播通信这个性质:即由一个工作站发出的数据可以被同一局域网内的所有工作站接收。
