Which of the following sentences isincor

最全题库2022-08-02  46

问题 Which of the following sentences isincorrect?A."I don't like carnets.""Me neither."B.This one is the better of the two.C.You are not so lazy as him.D.Everyone has his own ideas.

选项 A."I don't like carnets.""Me neither."
B.This one is the better of the two.
C.You are not so lazy as him.
D.Everyone has his own ideas.

答案 C

解析 考查代词的用法。本题考生容易误选成A项。A项中的men either为口语中的简略说法,等同于neither do I,均表示“我也不……”,主要用于延续前面的否定意思。C项中的as为连词,引导比较状语从句,其正确表述应为You are not so lazy as he(is).as后面的be动词可省略,则保留下来的应该是主格he而不是宾格him。故C项不正确。
