根据以下材料,回答题 The men and women of Anglo-S
根据以下材料,回答题 The men and women of Anglo-S
根据以下材料,回答题The men and women of Anglo-Saxon Englandnormally bore one name only. Distinguishing epithets were rarely added.These might be patronymic, descriptive or occupational. They were, however,hardly surnames. Heritable names gradually became general in the threecenturies following the Norman Conquest in 1066. It was not until the 13th and14th centuries that surnames became fixed, although for many years after that,the degree of stability in family names varied considerably in different partsof the country.British surnames fall mainly into four broadcategories: patronymic, occupational, descriptive and local. A few names, it istrue, will remain puzzling: foreign names, perhaps, crudely translated, adaptedor abbreviated; or artificial names.In fact, over fifty per cent of genuineBritish surnames derive from place names of different kinds, and so they belongto the last of our four main categories. Even such a name as Simpson may belongto this last group, and not to the first, had the family once had its home inthe ancient village of that name. Otherwise, Simpson means "the son ofSimon", as might be expected.Hundreds of occupational surnames are atonce familiar to us, or at least recognisable after a little thought: Archer,Carter, Fisher, Mason, Thatcher, Taylor, to name but a few. Hundreds of othersare more obscure in their meanings and testify to the amazing specialization inmedieval arts, crafts and functions. Such are "Day" (old English forbreadmaker) and "Walker" (a fuller whose job was to clean and thickennewly made cloth).All these vocational names carry with them acertain gravity and dignity, which descriptive names often lack. Some, it istrue, like "Long", "Short" or "Little", aresimple. They may be taken quite literally. Others require more thinking; theirmeanings are slightly different from the modem ones. "Black" and"White" implied dark and fair respectively. "Sharp" meantgenuinely discerning, alert, acute rather than quick-witted or clever.Place-names have a lasting interest sincethere is hardly a town or village in all England that has not at some timegiven its name to a family. They may be picturesque, even poetical; or they maybe pedestrian, even trivial. Among the commoner names which survive withrelatively little change from old-English times are "Milton" (middleenclosure) and "Hilton" (enclosure on a hill). Which of the following statements isTRUE at, cording to the passage 查看材料A.Less than half of the genuine Britishsurnames come from place names.B.The name "Simpson" could be ssurname deriving from a place name if the family have had its home in theancient village of that name.C."Thatcher" is an occupationalsurname which testifies to the specialization in medieval arts.D.The meanings of all descriptive names areslightly different from the modem ones.
A.Less than half of the genuine Britishsurnames come from place names.
B.The name "Simpson" could be ssurname deriving from a place name if the family have had its home in theancient village of that name.
C."Thatcher" is an occupationalsurname which testifies to the specialization in medieval arts.
D.The meanings of all descriptive names areslightly different from the modem ones.
细节题。根据第三段第一句中的“over fifty per cent of genuineBritish surnames derive from place names of different kinds”可知A项表述错误。根据第三段的第二句话“Even such a name asSimpson may belong to this last group, and not to the first, had the familyonce had its home in the ancient village of that name.”可知B项说法正确。根据第四段的前两句话可知,C项后半句表述有误。根据第五段第二、三句可知,有一些简单的描述性名字可以按字面意思理解,和现代的意思是一样的,D项说法过于绝对。故本题选B。
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