以下片段选自某课堂实录。 教学片段: T:Today is Mary's b

题库2022-08-02  66

问题 以下片段选自某课堂实录。教学片段:T:Today is Mary's birthday.If you're Mary's friend,Li Ming,what will you say to her?S1:Mary!Happy birthday to you!Here is my birthday present.It's a book.I hope you like it.S2:Mary!This card is for you.I hope you will be happy.SS:I think Li Ming will say,"Mary!You are beautiful.I like you!Here's my present.I hope you like it."After he answers it,the other students laugh,the classroom has messed immediately.Then the teacher says:T:…$5:Thank you,I like it.The student sits down and the whole class students warmly applaud him,then everyone's speech becomes more warm and enthusiastic.请分析该教学片段并回答下列问题:(1)当学生说:“I like you”时,请按照以下片段为该教师设计答语。(12分)(2)针对上述片段,简述巧妙地处理课堂意外的重要性,教师如何保护学生“开口说英语”的积极性?(18分)



解析 (1)T:I think you are a clever boy.Your English is?very good.I think Mary will be very glad to hear it.
Here's my present(a pencil)for your answer.I hope?you will like it.
