If astudent reads the new word“dumplings

admin2022-08-02  36

问题 If astudent reads the new word“dumplings”with a poor pronunciation in vocabulary exercise,it would be appropriate for the teacher to_______.A.read“dumplings”correctly,and ask the student to repeat itB.ignore the mistake and correct it after classC.askthe student to spell the wordD.askthe student to read again and then move on

选项 A.read“dumplings”correctly,and ask the student to repeat it
B.ignore the mistake and correct it after class
C.askthe student to spell the word
D.askthe student to read again and then move on

答案 A

解析 本题考查纠错方法。题干:如果一位学生在词汇练习中,读新单词“dumplings”时的发音不准确,老师最好。词汇练习注重的是语言的准确性,所以教师在练习时要及时纠正学生的发音错误,而不要到课后再纠正。故本题选A。
