When a teacher makes evaluations by aski

题库2022-08-02  32

问题 When a teacher makes evaluations by asking students to conclude what they have learned through concept maps after learning a unit or several units,he/she is conducting a___________A.summative assessmentB.diagnostic assessmentC.formative assessmentD.integrative testing

选项 A.summative assessment
B.diagnostic assessment
C.formative assessment
D.integrative testing

答案 C

解析 本题考查教学评价方式:A项“终结性评价”,B项“诊断性评价”,C项“形成性评价”,D项“综合性测试”。题干中教师让学生通过概念图来总结所学单元的知识,从而评估学生对知识的掌握程度,这属于形成性评价中的质性评价法:故本题选C。
