Cats have the widest hearing range of ne
Cats have the widest hearing range of ne
Cats have the widest hearing range of nearly any mammal”not only can they perceive sound in what we define as the “ultrasonic” range, they can also appreciate all the bass Dr Dre can throw at them. They can swivel their whiskers forwards while hunting to provide a kind of short-range radar.And they can see exceptionally well in the dark thanks to a reflective surface behind the retina that bounces lightback, giving it a second chance to hit a photoreceptor. They see more distinct images per second than we do. Dog partisans will appeal to the dog’s allegedly superior intelligence — though if that were the primary criterion for choosing a pet, one would expect to see a lot more crows and squid on leads around town. In fact, cats are rather cleverer than commonly assumed, as the biologist and animal-behaviour expert John Bradshaw shows in his new book.They can even be trained to an extent which was news to me Bradshaw’s book mixes pellets of cat lore with accounts of feline evolution, anatomy, genetics and development from newborn kitten to adulthood, plus descriptions of cat-psychology experiments in the laboratory, many of which he has conducted himself. Some of the most interesting parts indicate holes in our current scientific knowledge. “Many mother cats try to move their litters at least once before they wean them,” he observes, “but science has yet to find out why”. No one knows why cats go crazy for catnip, nor why they are able “to classify shapes according to whether they are closed or open.” Kittens, meanwhile, “may also use special movements of their tails to signal playfulness, but so far no scientist has been able to decode these”. As far as potential research projects go, decoding the tail-language of playing kittens must be about the interesting unsolved problem in science.The cat is an apparently phlegmatic beast, but Bradshaw points out that cats experience strong emotions, and sometimes might be suffering in silence. They aren’t particularly sociable, and cats who are housed with others who weren’t litter-mates — perhaps by well-meaning owners who think they need the company — can become chronically stressed.Luckily, then, cats probably aren’t aware that today they are once again hate-figures, the furry target of spittle-spraying ecologists who, armed with dodgy statistics, accuse cats of wildly “murdering” all the country’s songbirds. It’s a bit more complicated than that,Bradshaw shows. Rats also kill songbirds, and cats keep their numbers down; while the RSPB says the disappearance of habitat is a far more important factor in the decline of songbird populations than predator numbers. But we could at least, Bradshaw suggests, reverse the counterproductive selection pressure we currently exert on the domestic cat when we neuter house cats before they reproduce. This means,he explains, that the “friendliest, most docile” cats are prevented from leaving any descendants, while wild cats —which are more suspicious of humans and better at hunting— will leave more offspring. Unintentionally, we are causing cats to evolve into animals society won’t like as muchCat-haters probably won’t appreciate this book, but anyone else might. It is written in a friendly and engaging way, has helpful tips for cat owners, and is packed with excellent cat facts. Why, you might have wondered, do cats get stuck up trees? Because all their claws face forwards, so none can be used as brakes on the descent. We all know how good cats are at twisting mid-air to land on their feet,but they have an even more impressive trick: some cats adopt a “parachute” position during a long fall, with all four legs stuck out to the side, before coming back to the landing position at the last moment. This cat-parachute pose,Bradshaw calculates, “limits the falling speed to a maximum of fifty-three miles an hour” so enabling some cats to fall from high-rise buildings and walk away unhurt. I’d like to see a dog try that.What can be inferred about cats from Bradshaw’s research?A.Cats’ whiskers can aid them to confuse preys.B.Cats can detect sounds far away from them.C.Cats can process images better than we do.D.Cats’ intelligence has been underestimated.
A.Cats’ whiskers can aid them to confuse preys.
B.Cats can detect sounds far away from them.
C.Cats can process images better than we do.
D.Cats’ intelligence has been underestimated.
前三项可定位到第一段。A 项在原文中的意思是“它们可以在打猎时把胡须向前旋转,以提供一种短程雷达”,A 项中的 confuse preys 属于无中生有;B 项意为“猫可以探测到距离很远的声音”,原文的表述是猫可以听到人类听不到的声音,没说距离远近,B 项错误;C 项正确,根据第一段最后一句可得出答案;D 项错误,没有说到猫的智商。
A. B. C. D.
公路隧道围岩分为()级。A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6
临床表现为心胸憋闷刺痛,痛处不移的心脉痹阻证,其病因是A.寒凝 B.瘀阻 C
骨折愈合过程中A.血肿 B.骨性骨痂 C.软骨骨痂 D.病理性钙化
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