What does he/she intend to do when a tea

练习题库2022-08-02  2

问题 What does he/she intend to do when a teacher writes the following sentences “She gets up early. She wears a uniform. She works very hard.” on the blackboard at the presentation stage?A.Practice sentence patterns using model sentences.B.Check if students can pronounce the sentences correctly.C.Monitor whether students can accurately expresstheir ideas.D.Draw students’ attention to the form of a new language item.

选项 A.Practice sentence patterns using model sentences.
B.Check if students can pronounce the sentences correctly.
C.Monitor whether students can accurately expresstheir ideas.
D.Draw students’ attention to the form of a new language item.

答案 D

解析 本题考查呈现演示。题干中教师给出的句子中,用下划线标出了句子中的第三人称单数形式,为的是引起学生关注第三人称单数形式的新知识点。
