Which of the following underlined words

最全题库2022-08-02  19

问题 Which of the following underlined words will be stressed when Julia responds to the person who hasmistaken her for Julian?A. My name is Julia, not Julian.B. My name is Julia, not Julian.C. My name is Julia, not Julian.D. My name is Julia, not Julian

选项 A. My name is Julia, not Julian.
B. My name is Julia, not Julian.
C. My name is Julia, not Julian.
D. My name is Julia, not Julian

答案 B

解析 本题考查句子的重音。因为 Julia 想纠正跟她对话的那个人对她名字的误读,名字是“Julia” 而不是“Julian”,所以此处应该把正确的名字“Julia”重读。
