根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 以下是一位老师在进行词汇教学时的情景:

最全题库2022-08-02  98

问题 根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。以下是一位老师在进行词汇教学时的情景:Step1复习(revision)互致问候后,教师将装有彩色小图片的信封分发给各小组。T:Open the envelopes, please. You have something nice in them. What are they?S:A green ear, a red ball, a blue plane, a yellow cat…T:What do you like?S:I like…Step 2导入(1eading in)PPT播放歌曲,师生共同演唱。T:Let’s sing the song “Who Is Wearing Yellow Today”.音乐结束后,教师并没有停下来,而是改编歌词继续唱。T:Who is wearing blue today? Blue today? Blue today? Who is wearing blue today?Blue today?Step 3呈现 (presentation)T:Who is wearing blue today?S:You are wearing blue today.T:Yes, I’m wearing blue today. I’m wearing a blue sweater now.学生跟读:sweater, sweater, blue sweaterT:I like the blue sweater. If you like it, please say it out loud.PPT展示粉红色毛衣图片T:Do you like the pink sweater?S:Yes, I like the pink sweater.(借助学生穿着的服装,引出jacket等新词,展开活动)T:It is too hot. I’ll take off my sweater. Please take off your jacket.(伴随动作,一次教授词组:take of, put on, hang up和put away)根据以上所给的教学案例,回答下面问题。教师在复习、导入及呈现环节创设了不同情境,请分别对其创设方法及作用进行分析。



解析 本题重在考查词汇教学模式的方法,以及评析教师在语言学习活动中的角色。如呈现词汇可以有① 直观手段: 图片,实物,模型,肢体语言② 创设语境③ 结合现有知识:synonym,antonym,hyponymy(上下义),paraphrase(英英释义)巩固词汇① 找茬(spot the difference)(语音教学,最小对立体;辨别异同)② 描述绘画(describe and draw)③ 玩游戏(play a game):word bingo;word missing④ 词汇联想(word association):kangaroo;business。
