Which of the following practices can enc

admin2022-08-02  11

问题 Which of the following practices can encourage students to read an article critically?A.Evaluating its point of view.   B.Finding out the facts.C.Finding detailed information.D.Doing translation exercises.

选项 A.Evaluating its point of view.   
B.Finding out the facts.
C.Finding detailed information.
D.Doing translation exercises.

答案 A

解析 本题考查阅读教学。题干的意思:下列哪种练习可以鼓励学生批判性地阅读文章A项“评价它的观点”,B项“找出事实”,C项为“找到细节信息”,D项“做翻译练习”。评价文章观点的活动能够引导学生在理解文本的基础上对文章中的观点进行分析、评判,促使学生主动、积极地思考,促进学生批判性思维的发展。故本题选A。
