1.题目:Adverbial clause of result 2.内容:
1.题目:Adverbial clause of result 2.内容:
1.题目:Adverbial clause of result 2.内容: In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engles wrote him a letter and praised him for it. He made such a rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. 3.基本要求: (1)根据文本讲解结果状语从句; (2)10分钟试讲; (3)全英授课。
Adverbial clause of result
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can master the grammar rule of adverbial clause of result.
Ability aim:
Students will improve their analytical ability, and know how to use the grammar point.
Emotional aim:
Students will develop great interest in learning grammar.
Key and difficult point:
Key point:
The structure of “such…that” and “so…that”.
Difficult point:
Know how to analyze and summarize the grammar structure and be active in learning grammar.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Show students two short videos called Old Friends.
3. Ask students to watch them carefully and then to find the descriptions in different friends, in which some words or phrases like “as a result”, “so” and “therefore” are used. Later, tell students that we will learn another way to describe result. Lead to the new topic.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Ask students to read the passage and ask them two questions, “Why does Engles praised him? And why can he write articles for American newspaper?”
2. Show students a new passage and ask them to find more sentences with same structure.
3. Guide students to find the similarity among the sentences. They could work in groups of 4 for discussion.
4. Then summarize the rules: “such+a/an+adj/adv+that clause” “so+adj/adv+that clause”, and tell them that the structures are used to describe result.
Step 3: practice
Sentence master:
Divide students into four groups with ten students in each group. Ask students to have a competition by using the grammar structure to make sentences as more as they can. The group who makes sentences the most will be the sentence master.
Step 4: Production
Look and say:
Ask students to make a short story in groups of 4. Any topic is fine. They need to use the grammar point we learned today as much as possible. 5 minutes will be given before inviting a few representatives to present. Give encouragement.
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summary: do a summary together and arouse students’ passion to learn grammar.
Homework: ask students to draw a picture of one of their friends, introduce him or her by using the grammar structure next class.
Blackboard design
Adverbial clause of result
His English was so good that Engles wrote him a letter.
He is so beautiful that everyone likes her.
He made such a rapid progress that he began to write articles for an American newspaper.
He is such a naughty boy that his father criticizes him.
Structure: such+a/an+adj/adv+that clause so+adj/adv+that clause
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