请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 (1)请简述教师课堂上“创设语境”需要

最全题库2022-08-02  68

问题 请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。(1)请简述教师课堂上“创设语境”需要考虑的基本要素。(2)请根据教学内容确定本课时的语言技能(听说)目标。(3)请根据教学目标设计一个语言运用活动,并说明设计意图。(要求:创设一个真实语境,让学生运用核心句型以小组活动的形式进行语言交际训练。)



解析 (1)教师在课堂上“创设语境”需要考虑的基本要素有四点: ①创设语境要有针对性。创设语境要做到有的放矢、因材施教,所开展的活动目标、内容、方法及形式等都要适合学生的年龄特征、智力水平。
(2) Ability objectives
①Students' listening and speaking ability can be improved by the end of the class.
②Students can master some expressions about the topic "Lost&Found", and apply them in real situations.
( 3 ) Practice&Activity
Work in group of 4, and give each group an empty box and a"Lost&Found" board. Students can put their stationeries in the empty box. Then one student acts as an office staff; other students come to him to get their lost things back. For example:
A: Exeuse me. I lost my pencil box.
B: What color is it?
A: It's red and blue.
B: OK. What's in it?
A: Two pencils, a pen, a ruler and an eraser.
B: Here it is!
A: Thank you so much.
Students will have 10 minutes to complete the dialogue. After they have finished the group work, invite one or two groups to
come to the front and show their dialogues to the whole class. Teacher will give them proper feedback.
