
免费题库2022-08-02  43

问题 A公司为支付货款,向B公司签发了一张金额为15万元,付款人为甲银行的承兑汇票。乙向B公司出具担保函,承诺A公司不履行债务时其承担连带保证责任。B公司为向C公司支付工程款,将汇票背书转让给C公司,并记载“不得转让”字样。后C公司又将汇票背书转让给D公司,但将汇票的记载金额由15万元变更为25万元,从票面看不出更改痕迹。D公司为向丙支付租金,将汇票背书转让给丙。之后该汇票被丁盗走,并赠与给不知情的戊。丙遗失票据后向法院申请了公示催告,法院受理了该申请并向甲银行发出了止付通知。要求:根据上述内容,分别回答下列问题:(1)乙是否为票据保证人?是否承担保证责任?并说明理由。(2)若丙不能实现票据权利可向谁行使追索权,数额分别是多少?并说明理由。(3)戊是否享有票据权利?并说明理由。(4)若甲银行收到止付通知后仍向戊支付了票据款项,是否应承担赔偿责任?并说明理由。



解析 (1)
The second grade is not the bill guarantor, but needs to undertake in the civil law guarantee responsibility.The guarantor must or sticks on the list in the bank draft to record indicated “guarantees” inscription.Has not carried on the record in the bill, but is the separate agreement provides the guarantee to the specific bill debtor's bill, may have in the civil law guarantee potency, but does not have the bill guarantee potency.
Third may to D Corporation, C Corporation, A Corporation, the armor bank exercise the recourse, the amount respectively is 250,000, 250,000, 150,000, 150,000. The bill is forged, in front of forging the signature person, is responsible for the original record item; After forging the signature person, for forges after the record item is responsible.D Corporation, C Corporation after forging the signature, undertakes 250,000 Yuan bill responsibilities.A Corporation, armor bank in front of forging the signature, undertakes 150,000 Yuan bill responsibilities. The endorser records in the bank draft “does not have to transfer” the inscription, its subsequent party endorses the transfer again, the original endorser is not undertaken to the subsequent party by the endorser the guarantee responsibility.B Corporation when endorses the transfer recorded
“has not had to transfer”, therefore third could not exercise the recourse to it.
The fifth heavenly stem does not enjoy the bill right.Steals the way to obtain the bill, does not have to enjoy the bill right.Therefore, Ding does not enjoy the bill right.But because of grants freely obtains the bill, the bill right which enjoys does not have to surpass his/her front hand the right.Therefore the fifth heavenly stem bill right does not have to surpass his/her front hand Ding.But Ding does not enjoy the bill right, the fifth heavenly stem certainly enjoys the bill right.
Should undertake the compensation responsibility.After the drawee receives stops payment the notice to have to stop the payment, until service by publication procedure end.If it still carried on the payment to the bill, had to undertake the compensation responsibility.
