
练习题库2022-08-02  14

问题 A注册会计师接受ABC会计师事务所委派,负责审计甲银行(上市公司)2013年度财务报表。甲银行2010年至2012年财务报表也是由A注册会计师负责审计。审计中存在下列事项:(1)甲银行以A注册会计师熟悉甲银行业务、与A注册会 计师合作愉快为由,要求ABC会计师事务所继续委派A注册会计师担任甲银行2014年财务报表审计业务的委托人,ABC会计师事务所欣然同意。(2)DEF会计师事务所与ABC会计师事务所共同出资开发了审计手册,除此之外,双方不存在其他合作关系。DEF会计师事务所2013年为甲银行提供内部控制咨询服务。(3)A注册会计师的表妹在甲银行从事理财产品的促销工作,2013年5月10日,工作年限超过5年,甲银行按照内部激励制度的规定为其购买商品房提供担保。(4)因资本市场疲软,甲银行购买的债券市价持续下跌,项目组成员B建议甲银行将该债券由持有至到期投资改为交易性金融资产核算,以便择机出售。(5)D注册会计师在甲银行2012年度财务报表审计中担任项目经理,并与A注册会计师共同签署了甲银行2012年度审计报告。D注册会计师于2013年5月1日从ABC会计师事务所离职,于2013年末加入甲银行下属某分行担任财务总监。(6)E注册会计师是与A注册会计师 同处一个分部的其他合伙人,持有甲银行1000股股票。<1>、针对上述事项(1)至(6),逐项判断是否违反中国注册会计师职业道德守则的规定,并简要说明理由。



解析 (1) No violation. The period that A auditor provides service do not exceed 5 years to Jia Bank.
(2) No violation. DEF accounting firm and ABC accounting firm only develop the audit manual together, they do not form network accounting firm
(3) No violation. The younger cousin does not belong to close relative, her economic interest has no connection with the A auditor, her position has no direct significant effect on the financial report.
(4) Violation. This financial management suggestion influences the financial report, and the effectiveness of suggestion depends on related accounting treatment.
(5) Violation. As auditor who signs the audit report for Jia bank in 2012, D auditor is suitable for complying with the code of professional ethics for the key audit partner.
The date that he resigns to join the subsidiary branch of Jia bank to take charge of CFO is earlier than the date that Jia Bank issues the audited financial report in 2013. He still lies in cooling-off period, it may have close relationship or intimidation which may have serious adverse effects on independence.
(6) Violation. E auditor and A auditor both stay in the same branch, he has direct economic interest in A auditor’s audit customer.
本试题收录于: 注册会计师题库5210分类
